Be Careful Experimenting!

The groundhog saw his shadow, which means six more weeks of hunkering down.  Which can also mean six more weeks of sexual experimentation.

You know from my books and my smedia posts that I’m a huge fan of using household items in kink play.  Not all toys have to be expensive.

But they absolutely should be safe!

A January 2022 article from The Mirror reports the horrific side of incorporating toxic items in romantic encounters.

In an effort to keep her impotent man *up*, a woman thought it would be a good idea to insert the straw of a can of foam insulation into his penis.  [WARNING:  If that sentence alone sends you into a fit of shuddering, please do not click on the link.  The article is even more graphic]

If you’re thinking, why wouldn’t she just use a regular straw, you’d demonstrate your higher intelligence powers.  Or a penis-enhancing dildo.  Or damn near anything else.  I’m sure they both wish she had.

Not only didn’t she use something else, but the can to which the straw was attached was not empty.

I’ll pause here to allow sufficient time for you to shudder.

You guessed it correctly, my friends, the woman accidentally pressed the trigger, shooting a stream of insulation foam straight up the man’s urethra… which solidified, as is the point of that product.

I will spare you the graphic details by glossing over the subsequent surgery, ending with the man may never be able to use his prized possession again.

For those of you who can stomach the details, have a go at the full article.

Please take this lesson to use your top brain while playing with your partner.  Incorporating toys is not only fun but a way to explore a kinkier side of sex.

The kitchen is a treasure trove of repurposeable goodies.  Most cooking utensils make great paddles–a wooden spoon, a rolling pin, a spatula, etc.  Test each one out on various body parts and watch his reaction.  Additionally, chip clips substitute for nipple clamps.

In fact, message me with your most creative repurposed household item.  I’m curious to see just how kinky you lot are! *grin*

Send me a note on the site or bdsmlr, Tumblr or Twitter.







Big thanks to S.B. Medina for their review of my two latest releases!

[I swear I didn’t plan this, but “The Lesson” demonstrates the use of repurposing household objects for BDSM toys! *grin*]

“The Lesson” is still warm from the presses, and S.B. was kind enough to review it quickly.

Always attentive to details, S.B. provides the reader with a sense of what to expect without giving anything away.  Plus, having reviewed a few of my books, S.B. paints a broad stroke of my work in their opening sentence:

“One of the things that B.J. Frazier does so well with their stories is establish characters as people with pasts, people who’ve grown and evolved, and who you can believe have a life outside the story.”

To borrow a sentence from their “Closing the Deal” review (in the same blog post), S.B. says:

“One of the things Frazier does so well in their stories is offer up a variety of sexual situations that evolve naturally from chance encounters, as opposed to being carefully structured around genre cliches.”

I’m honored to be recognized for creating relatable characters and writing different naughty bits to fit each tale.

I invite you to read the full review.  While you’re there, check out S.B.’s amazing blog!

Another recent review from S.B. Medina is for “Her Wish. His Command.”

S.B. sums up the story beautifully in his opening sentence:

“Her Wish. His Command. by B.J. Frazier is a lovingly erotic tale of how two young co-eds evolved an unorthodox sort of courtship into a loving female-led relationship.”

This review is the first time I was quoted, and I have to say I did happy dance when I first read it.  Of course, I didn’t share that news with S.B. until recently, though.

Read their entire review.




In honor of the *heart* of February, L.K. Lynch, Sean O’Toole and I are working on a collaborative Valentine’s Day collection for you.

If you’re tired of the Hallmark romantic overload, then this is the book for you!  We all skimped on romance to provide you with a triple-dose of eroticism.

It’s designed to keep you warm and cozy.

Here’s a working cover, with the emphasis on *working*.  While I love it, *someone* has heavily criticized it, such that I have challenged him to come up with a better one.

Stay tuned!




QUESTION:  Why do I have to provide my personal information on your site just to download an ebook?

ANSWER:  This is a frequent question that I’ve answered individually as it comes in.  But due to its frequency, I decided to include it here.

The short answer is, you don’t.  It was standard, boilerplate website fodder when it was created.  And I’m told by some of you lovely IT brains that you can actually enter fake data.  Some of you have given your smedia usernames.

So shop here anonymously, and enjoy your selections.

Your information is not collected nor distributed in any way.  When you shop my site, you can be assured of anonymity and privacy.  In fact, your credit card statement will display “BJFP, LLC”.

While we’re on the subject, it bears repeating that to more fully support the artists, shop here.  Meaning, more of your dollars get into the pockets of L.K. Lynch, Sean O’Toole and yours truly.

However, we understand you may want to obtain our books elsewhere.  You can find us in most online bookstores, like these:

Barnes and Noble

Google Play Books

As always, we appreciate your feedback.  Please leave a review on Goodreads.

Do you have a kinky question you’d like answered? Use the contact form to submit your question.  All questions will be kept anonymous unless you’d prefer to be named.

Thanks for the great question!

For other kinky advice, check my blog archives.

Happy reading,
