Farewell, July

You Kept Me in the Recording Booth


Thank you for making my birthday even more wonderful!  I enjoyed sending recorded messages.  More than that, though, I liked the connection.  I sit behind a screen and type words to you.  Your taking the time and thought to select a gift and send it to me felt like getting hugs from around the world.  Thank you.

I treasured every gesture, thought and gift.  And I won’t reveal who gave what.  But I have to share with you (and I have permission to share) a special and personalized gift from rubbug.

After reading the diabolical yet *hot* Lisa from “Lisa’s Lies”, rubbug couldn’t help wondering what a shrink would have to say about her.  He created a case study report for my birthday.

Warning:  The analysis provides spoilers, so read the novel first.

Rubbug incorporated facts from the book as well as created a fictitional psychiatric visit, remaining true to her character.  Here’s a taste:

Lisa Wilson

Lisa Wilson is a well-known radio personality and a mother of two in her third trimester.  Mrs. Wilson was referred to this office as her doctor expressed concern at her reaction to pregnancy.  After spending some time with Lisa, it has been found that she may be exhibiting signs of two separate personality disorders:  antisocial personality disorder and histrionic personality disorder.

The entire paper is housed on the “Lisa’s Lies” book page.

Please send me your comments, so rubbug can read them in the next blog post.  Thank you, rubbug!






Here are a couple of giggles:

sizeerrorprojection ~ B.J. OMG, I think I’ve just been named a parasite, along with the rest of your brood. 😀 [*LAUGHING* That is NOT why I linked that clip!]

Claire ~ I think it’s funny how it’s a “thing” whether or not I buy something latex.  So I guess I should tell you that I *did* buy latex this past week… and my dishes have never been cleaner!  [*chuckling*]

Keep me giggling… tell me your thoughts.





I am happy to report that Jessie Spectre and I completed Book Five of the “Eli” series!  The final installment is called “Triumph”.  It should be released this month, and we’re excited for your feedback.

Don’t miss the special “Ask” section below, where Jessie and I discuss the writing process.

Eli has evolved sexually, from naíve and vanilla to a blossoming femboy slut.  He’s intelligent, gullible, kind, and sexy… and he’s dealt with betrayal, lies, and meanness from friends, enemies and lovers.

In “Triumph”, Eli faces the most trecherous of obstacles.  Blind infatuation, lust and love lead him into a danger he could never imagine.  He learns who his real friends are; some of whom turn out to be the most unexpected people.

With each new adventure, Eli has learned about himself and life in general, and he’s gained wisdom.

But can wisdom alone help him choose between two lovers?  Or can he keep them both?

The well-seasoned duo of B.J. Frazier and Jessie Spectre present a surprise ending whollop in the series finale… but one which has crescendoed since the very beginning.

Until then, here’s the cover.

Haven’t started the series yet?  Get to reading!




New Covers!


Many thanks and big *hugs* to Mike Bowerbank, rubbug, Sean O’Toole, and toymax for their help in creating awesome new covers for the “Betting the Pride; Losing the Prejudice” trilogy!

My struggle with every book cover is finding the perfect image.  It’s even more difficult with a trilogy because it requires not just *one* perfect picture but *three*.  In the case of the bull-hotwife-cuck story, I needed six:  three for the couple, and three more for the bull.

Luckily, there were two series of shots with the same models.  I’ll list them side by side, so you can compare:

The original cover
New and improved!










The original cover
New and improved!










The original cover
New and improved!










Tell me what you think!

If you haven’t read the series yet, I recommend watching the BBC six-part mini-series of “Pride and Prejudice” along with the movie “How To Lose A Guy in Ten Days”, as the trilogy combines the plots of both in a steamy bull-hotwife tale.

Also, newsletter subscribers got a bonus coupon for this series.  Don’t miss out on the next bonus; sign up for my newsletter today at the bottom of the page.







The Online Book Club was in full swing this past weekend, where we discussed “The Service Sub”.  It was very cool to see some new people this time.

And usually, I give you some highlights of the discussion, but I really can’t do that this time without spoilers… and I don’t want to spoil anyone’s enjoyment of the book.

What I *will* say is that there were a lot more questions beforehand that dealt with ethical behavior, consent, and protocol… for both dominants *and* submissives.  I especially enjoyed how the book club members talked to each other and used specific examples from the book.  It made my English teacher’s heart proud!

There was even a question that was posed directly to a character, and I thought I’d include the Q/A… but that, too, reveals too much.  I guess you’ll just have to participate in the next Book Club yourself!  We’d love to have you.

After Book Club, I received this quote:

“Don’t grumble at me!  There isn’t a female around who owes you anything, and don’t you forget that.  It will always be your job to perform your duties to the hilt, and every woman should feel like she’s the most desirable woman in your eyes.  Every time, boys.  Every fucking time.”

Rubbug said, “I meant to mention this quote because it’s just true in every way.” …I’m sure every Book Club member will concur–or do you have a different favorite quote?

The selections for the next Book Club are waiting for your VOTE.  And the next Book Club will be Sunday, September 24 at 11:00 p.m., Eastern.

If you want to be a part of the online book club, please contact me:

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Another Rant


I recently got an email from an online bookstore notifying me that a book was removed for violating their content policy.  They are vague about bullshit violations… namely about the cover.  That it can’t have nudity (it doesn’t–never did, never will), it can’t be overly sexual (it’s not–a guy on his knees kissing his wife’s hand), and it can’t contain sexual language (“Her Wish. His Command.”–sexual only if you understand D/s dynamics, I guess).

So I live chat and am told that, since the book’s been removed, he can’t help me, and I have to fill out the appeal form using the link that came in the email–HOWEVER, the link in the email doesn’t work!

He sends me a link, and I fill out the appeal… where I tell them to fucking reinstate the book because it doesn’t violate any of your policies, bitch.  <–more or less verbatim.  🙂

I receive an email 40 minutes later at the WRONG email address–no idea how they even got that, because I have to log in using the email account, and input the email on the appeal form.  Anyway, that email also says that I’m in violation, and I should review the metadata for all my other books.

After we figure out that the second email was an error, I’m clued in that the specific problem is *not* the cover but the word “pegging” in the metadata.

So, I go through all FIFTY-ONE of my remaining books and remove the entire “contents” feature–something I provide in order for readers to know what kind of kink is in the book.  And I even removed my cute “contents” feature for “A Domme for Christmas”.  *sigh*

The next day, I get an email saying they’ve reviewed my message and I need to remove the word “pegging” from the metadata of the book.  Mind you, they did *NOT* reinstate the book.  How in the FUCK am I supposed to do that when I don’t have access to the book?!

After another back-and-forth exchange, I discover the book WAS in my account, but I could only access it after SIX steps, jumping through a ring of fire and doing a dance to make the stars align.  <–more or less,

I then removed the offensive word and sent an email notifying them of same.  Soon after, they tell me they’ve reviewed it again, and it’s listed for sale.  AND they *apologized*  HOWEVER, they’re going to put a restriction on it where only people 18+ can view it.

I was really irritated, so I sent a follow-up a message telling them to get their heads outta their collective ass and start communicating effectively because this entire thing could’ve been resolved in one email.  And oh, by the way, I already labeled it as erotica for readers 18+, dickwads!  <–more or less. GRRRRRR

So THEN they sent this:

“We’ve received and reviewed your request and decided not to reinstate the below titles or account at this time.”

Followed six minutes later by:

“We apologize for the previous email. Due to some technical glitch the email was sent to the wrong address. We are working on your query and will reach out to you as soon as possible. Please ignore the previous email. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We appreciate your patience in the meanwhile.”

[I’m not even going to comment on the *patience* comment… you can laugh with me]

Seventeen minutes later, in a separate email thread, they said:

“The book has been restored as a result of our consideration of your request. However, we found that it contains the explicit word “Pegging” in its information, which appears to be against our regulations. That is the reason we removed your book. But now that you’ve deleted that word, we’ve put this book back. The following books are still available for sale, but we will be removing their previews and visibility from people who are underage even though you listed this book as 18+ in your book data and “Erotica” is mentioned in its genre.

Although you indicated these categories and genres, we still need to review the books you mentioned.”

“They still have to check”… does that mean, hey, we know you *said* mature audiences, but there’s a chance you didn’t really mean it, and we’ll need to verify.

Such that… COULD the outcome have been:  No, this ain’t erotica, she’s confused.  This is cool for people of all ages.

In fact, we’re going to petition to have it required reading in high schools around the world!

smh (shaking my head)




BDSM Checklists


Check out my FREE BDSM Checklists.

I created two BDSM Checklists to assist with communication and negotiation.  One is grouped by fetishes and the other is an alphabetical listing, and both have spaces for you to fill in additional ones.

Make sure you check out the Checklists!  Then, let me know what you think and how you used them.







Question:  Now that you’re wrapping up the whole “Eli” series, how you feel about it?  I was asking ‘cause you know the feeling of watching a really long-running show and getting to the final episode?  I was wondering how it feels for writers facing the end of their creation.

B.J.’s Answer:  Thanks for that question.  Jessie and I have known about the ending since before we started writing, so it’s a great feeling to be here now and reflect on the accomplishment.  On the other hand, I will miss working with Jessie, and fretting about the characters we’ve created.

I look back to a year ago, when Jessie asked if I wanted to do a collaboration.  At that point, I knew him as a fellow author and casual acquaintance.  I was skeptical but hugely grateful I heard him out.  Mind you, I was fully prepared to say no, but he had such AMAZING ideas–he outlined four plots–and he was very easy to talk to.

So we chose Eli to start, and we both wrote the opening scene based on our discussion.  I remember being shocked that we’d both written 1,800 words, started with the same perspective, and even came up with similar character names.  After writing, editing, talking, laughing, and more talking, it’s not shocking at all.  Our writing styles fuse amazingly well.  And by book three, even my editor couldn’t tell who had written which section.

Even though you’ve heard me say this over and over, it doesn’t feel right leaving it out now:  To work with Jessie has been the best experience.  There were only a few occasions where we disagreed, and those were settled without anger or hostility… and usually with a compromise.  I know most authors can’t claim the same thing.  Then again, they haven’t worked with Jessie.

I’m super proud of this series, and I celebrate with Jessie the culmination of this awesomely-told, *hot* work.  But real endings are never easy.  Good thing Jessie and I have become friends as well as co-authors.  I’ve already sought his opinion on plot points, synopses and covers for other books, and we have tons of other ideas for future books!

Jessie, I can’t say enough positives about you!  Thank you for trusting me with your ideas.  I look forward to our next adventure 🙂

Jessie’s Answer:  I know they say all good things must come to an end, but I can’t believe how soon it has come.  It’s true, time flies when you’re having fun.

I’m going to miss writing the “Eli” series.  Joining forces with B.J. Frazier has been an honor and a privilege, and working together to create our characters and the world they live in has been a great learning experience as well as a total blast.  I think we’ve laughed as much as we’ve written.

I’m going to miss Eli, Bernie, Clem, and their friends and lovers (and some of their foes, too).  Maybe B.J. and I will decide in the future that there are more stories to tell; I hope so.  I must confess to being very fond of some of our secondary characters, like Sasha, Philip, and Domino – do they deserve some spicy tales of their own?

This series has been my first steps into the genre, so having B.J. as a wise and experienced guide has been invaluable.  I hope we’ve created characters who feel as real to the readers as they do to us.  We’ve had many long conversations over story and character development, and we both definitely have our favorites, and we’ve stuck up for them in planning (in case anything too bad happens to someone we like).

So, as the series comes to an end, how does it feel?  A mix of being sad it’s over, grateful for the experience, and hopeful for the future.

It’s a bit like the last day of college when you say good-bye to all your buddies; it’s the end of an era but it’s time to start a new chapter.


Do you have a kinky question you’d like answered?  Use the contact form to submit your question.  All questions will be kept anonymous unless you’d prefer to be named.

Thanks for the great questions and comments!

For other kinky advice, check my blog archives.

Happy reading,
